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My First Week at Push Start, by Ellie Ford

Ellie Ford

So here I am, my second Monday morning in the Push Start office, my day’s destination announced, the journey down to me. How wonderful, and pretty logical, to be able to work your own day around your own momentum, energy levels and desires; you know yourself better than anyone, therefore you know when you work best and which tasks require more concentration, intensity etc. Being told to proofread an intense document at the end of the day, when your brain is closing down and the coffee has worn off, is perhaps not the most productive of decisions. All hale flexibility!

Working purposefully

Push Start Marketing is new to me, I hadn’t come across the company or its ethos before, but what I’ve learnt so far is intriguing and very 21st century. The main values surround trust, relationships and flexibility. What more could you want from your employees, clients and contractors? Being given the autonomy to control your role, i.e. when you do what, gives you an automatic ownership over your work; knowing your MD trusts you to get the job done leaves you with a sense of pride, ensuring you perform at your best. It’s not rocket science that the more control and responsibility you give to someone the more their confidence in themselves will increase.

I’m a big believer in employing partners, not employees. I don’t mean official, legal partners in your company, I mean people that are an integral part of your business. Your people are a representation of you and your brand, whether they’re trying to be or not, would you rather those people are proud to work with you and have an emotional attachment to what the company is trying to achieve, or clock-watch and post TGIF status’?

Self-Ed and pushing your limits

Research suggests the main reason people leave their current employment is a lack of personal development, not monetary reasons. Competence is confidence; the more a person can learn and grow, the more confident they can become. Being in a workplace whereby self-development and education is encouraged is vital for employee stimulation and happiness. Knowing your employer wants to invest in you as a person can only benefit all parties; the company has a loyal, progressive workforce, the employee has the opportunity to grow as a person, building their skills and confidence.

My very first day at Push Start ended in an educational trip to London to attend a writing workshop, “Shut up and write!” with Stella Orange and Janet Murray. Not only was I inspired to get pen to paper, I was appreciative for the investment that had been made on my behalf. Although many would not have bothered to make such an effort; a four hour round trip and the monetary expense plus time out of the office, training and self-development is extremely beneficial to even the most senior team members. I would argue, they are the most in need of personal education. Getting out of the office, meeting new people, hearing new initiatives is the refreshment we could all do with at times. No matter how busy you are, it never feels like the perfect time to take time out to invest in yourself, the truth is, you need it most when you don’t want to go.

“The world is put back by the death of everyone who has to sacrifice the development of his or her peculiar gifts to conventionality” - Florence Nightingale

I can feel the best version of me reappearing

My time at Push Start Marketing is a chance for me to shake things up a bit. It is all too easy to stagnate and plateau into that awful comfort zone, I’d had enough and could physically feel my confidence seeping away, through my boredom working behind a bar, albeit temporarily. So I made the decision to wake up and change my situation. It wasn’t something that came easily, I had to force myself to break that comfort zone, yes I was nervous and apprehensive, but with those feelings came change. Within one week, I have regained my motivation to succeed, excitement to work and confidence in my capability. I can feel the best version of me reappearing and I thoroughly believe it is down to the fresh experiences I have encountered throughout the week; new contacts, fresh business insight, new approach to work and the chance to learn. If you’re not learning you’re not moving forward, and what is the point in that?

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