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Improving DIY websites with a goal to better rankings, more leads and more conversions

Lucy Lavers

It seems like on a weekly basis we are asked, “what’s wrong with my website,?” “why isn’t my website ranking?” or “why aren’t I getting enquiries through my website?”. Companies or individuals who have created their own website, or enlisted the help of a friend (or a web developer that hasn’t checked the search engine optimisation) often have questions just like these, because their website isn’t performing quite as well as they had hoped.

Beyond SEO there are also things like ‘calls to action’, clear contact information and conversion tools that may get overlooked or even sacrificed all together, in favour of ‘design’ or are simply not thought about.

But worry not, there are some simple changes you can make to your website yourself to improve your rankings, leads or conversions. You will still be able to feel you can take greater control of your website by recommending these changes your developer that you can research and plan yourselves – even if you aren’t the one who will be adding them to the site.

We have developed this guide in pdf format, with just the basics of what you can do to give your website the best chance of ranking at all, or moving up the rankings and being found when customers are searching for your service. With the added bonus that leads will be generated and conversions will go up!

We have tried to be as clear and helpful as we can, but there is also a wealth of knowledge and advice shared daily on the web, so please also try a Google search to learn more on any element I touch upon below. (Other search engines are available, but who says, ‘let’s Bing it’)?

Above all, it is honestly not as complicated as you might at first believe (despite the eight page document) just have courage, take charge and do each small thing, and we promise it will all make sense in the end, and hopefully make a big difference to your website and business.

Good Luck with everything…

A preview of what you will discover:

  • How to find the best keywords for on-page SEO and what to do with them

  • Letting Google know you’re there; Analytics and Webmaster tools

  • Optimising the website layout; Headers and footers

  • What makes good content and how best to use it; testimonials, blogging and social media

  • Pay per click campaigns

  • The cycle of plan – implement – review – improve

Download the full pdf guide to better DIY websites.

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